General overhaul of Gabcikovo power plant has not yet begun

The general overhaul of the hydro+power plant Gabcikovo (VEG) has not yet started. In January 2020, it will be five years after then Prime Minister Robert Fico talked about the pressing need to carry out the general overhaul of the power plant. Subsequently, the government took over the largest hydro-power plant in Slovakia from then operator, Slovenske Elektrarne, as a result of alleged reluctance to carry out these urgent repairs. The current operator of the power plant in Gabcikovo, the state-controlled Vodohospodarska Vystavba, assessed the international tender for a supplier already in June 2019. However, the general overall still cannot begin since the Public Procurement Office had to enter the entire process. “The Public Procurement Office is currently inspecting the activities following the objections,“ the head of the Director General’s Office at Vodohospodarska Vystavba Stela Istvanfyova informed the portal Vodohospodarska Vystavba has received two objections from two companies. “The objections concerned the evaluation of the bids,“ Istvanfyova said.

Full story in Slovak: Akútna oprava gabčíkovskej elektrárne stále nezačala. Kontrolujú tender.

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